Coach of Merit: Cody Bailey
Cody Bailey and Jason Linville had a dream: to one day open a CrossFit gym and then take over the world. Unfortunately, they got super busy and had to just settle on the first goal. But lucky for us, they did! :) These days, Cody has taken a step back from running the gym and is focusing on his beautiful family. Cody and wife, Emily, just welcomed their second child: Hazel Lynn.
What do you love most about Crossfit Merit?
The community
Out of everyone who is a member, who's your favorite?
That's a tough question and I'll keep people guessing
What are you currently working on in your fitness journey?
I am trying to drop a few lbs to be at my best performance weight
Describe what gets you through the toughest workouts.
For me I just imagine that my buddies would be moving right now
How do you find the motivation on days you just "can't"?
Some days you just need a day off (this applies to anything) but the community is the motivator
Why CrossFit Merit?
Welp, being a co-owner was pretty much the reason
What is some advice you have for someone on the fence about joining?
Just come on in and take it one workout at a time
Pizza or tacos?
Favorite recipe:
What's one thing you've done that you'd never do again?
Deploy to Afghanistan
How do you get yourself back on track when you've skipped workouts or you aren't eating well?
Hydrate and just sign up for a wod
If you were stranded on a deserted island...what swim stroke would you use to find land?
Breast stroke cause I will get tired to fast. Also it's hard to see land if your face is in the water
What are your coaching strengths? What do you bring to the table?
I feel like I can adapt to almost any level help an athlete from beginner to advanced
What's your favorite kind of athlete to work with?
Someone who is excited to learn
Which do you prefer: dumbbells or kettlebells? Why?
KB because you can do more movements with them
Have you ever had body image issues, and if so, has that impacted how you coach the members at Merit?
I think everyone has something they don't like about themselves. Just know that no one criticizes you more than you
What's one movement you struggle with?
Split jerk
Which do you prefer: burpees or running?
What's been on your to-do list the longest?
Hmmm, continuing college
Coach Cody excels at breaking down instruction for beginners, while also using his experience to meet the needs of more advanced athletes. To meet Cody and our other awesome coaches, click here! During COVID-19 precautionary protocol, we are offering limited-sized outdoor classes and online classes for every level! Contact us to learn more!