Coach of Merit: Emily Ogden
Coach Emily brings an unparalleled enthusiasm to our Merit team. When you need someone to push you through a tough workout or cheer you on when you’ve reached a milestone, Coach Emily is always there for you.
What do you love most about CrossFit Merit?
There are two things: our community and our attention to details. The people are what make Merit a supportive and fun place to be! We’re all here to be healthy and encourage each other in our goals. We thrive on bringing people up. That’s not a guarantee at all gyms. We all genuinely care about each other and enjoy being together as a community. The attention to details is what makes Merit stand out even more. The time and attention put into making sure all members understand each movement, whether it’s in the warmup, skill, wod, or mobility, is what makes Merit superior. I’m really proud to be a part of the Merit community!
What are you currently working on in your fitness journey?
I’m working on building strength in strict pull ups. I’m just about there ;) It’s taken me a lot of accessory and technique work to build strength in my back. You might not have known, but before I started CrossFit in 2017, I solely used yoga (and sometimes running) as my physical activity outlet. I could bend into some crazy shapes, but it caused the muscles in my back and shoulders to be hyper mobile and weak. Just to put it in perspective, I used to not even be able to do a pull up negative because I would drop right away, and the first banded pull up I did at my previous gym required the use of a green, red AND blue band. I’ve had to do some serious damage control through physical therapy on my right shoulder and tons of accessory work to strengthen my back after years of overstretching. I can no longer do a lot of the yoga poses I could before, but having a strong back is definitely worth it to me!
Describe what gets you through the toughest workouts.
A few things. I can’t remember which CrossFit athlete calls it “going into the pain cave” but I like to think about it that way. It speaks to going to that place where you can shut off your mind and just work hard, knowing that the pain is temporary and you’re making yourself better for it. I also think about how fortunate I am just to have a body that moves and functions. I’m lucky to be able to do hard workouts. On that note, I draw strength from thinking about what my friend Erica had to go through with her cancer treatments. Knowing how painful they were puts those hard workouts in perspective for me. It’s all about mindset and how you approach it. Every time something difficult comes up in a workout, it’s an opportunity to get better.
How do you find the motivation on days you just "can't"?
I would be dishonest if I said I’m motivated to workout and eat healthy every single day. I’m not! I rely on my routine and habits to carry me through those days when my motivation is lacking. Also, it’s helpful to think about how much better I’ll feel after I workout or eat a healthy meal. I like to think of what “future Emily” would appreciate, and that helps guide me. Some days though, our bodies and minds simply need rest. On those days, I’ll give myself that much-needed break. This allows me to come back the next day refreshed and ready.
What is some advice you have for someone on the fence about joining?
There’s nothing to lose, and you might discover something that you really love. Don’t be intimidated by movements you may not have done before. Everyone is in the same situation when they start! Being a beginner means you get the chance to learn and become part of a community that’s there to support you.
Favorite junk food
Anything sweet. I love cookies, cake and brownies. I especially love peanut butter chip brownies with homemade peanut butter icing!
Favorite recipe
It’s not a healthy one haha but it’s good for the soul! It’s my grandma’s pound cake recipe.
How do you get yourself back on track when you've skipped workouts or you aren't eating well?
Knowing that I can change my trajectory with the next choice I make. So, If I ate some food that I typically wouldn’t choose to eat, I don’t have to spend the rest of the day continuing to make that same choice. I can choose to eat a healthy meal and get right back on track. Not letting it get in my head and giving myself grace works pretty well for me. Also, knowing that I’m not a lesser person just because I missed a workout or ate a treat. Having a flexible and realistic mindset has done wonders for me.
If you were stranded on a deserted island...what swim stroke would you use to find land?
I’d be staying on the deserted island because your girl can’t swim! I also have a huge fear of open water.
What are your coaching strengths? What do you bring to the table?
I see you as a whole person. I will support you, encourage you, and help you grow. I’m kind, empathetic, a good listener, and will help you in any way I can!
What's your favorite quote?
“My heart is at ease knowing that what is meant for me will never miss me, and that which misses me was never meant for me.” -Imam Shafi’i
Have you ever had body image issues, and if so, has that impacted how you coach the members at Merit?Yes, it has taken me a long time to feel confident and at peace with my body. In my early 20s an obsession with being thin began, and that wreaked havoc with my mindset all the way up until about a year ago. Now, at age 29 (and after a LOT of inner work), I love my body for what it can do, not what it looks like. I appreciate having a healthy, strong body that can move because not everyone on this earth is blessed with that. Life experiences helped me move past my unhealthy mindset, and I feel an incredible sense of freedom and joy now. I choose to appreciate my body for everything it does for me every day. I love my big, strong legs (something that I used to be ashamed of). Going through the unhealthy mindset and, honestly, hell of trying to force my body to look a certain way helps me empathize with members who may be going through something similar. I am here for you.
What's one movement you struggle with?
Gymnastics in general! I’m working to become a more well-rounded athlete.
Thank you Merit for all the amazing people you’ve brought into my life! I’m so fortunate to call you all friends. Love you guys!
Coach Emily coaches adult CrossFit and yoga classes. Contact us to join the fun!