Meet an Athlete of Merit: David's Story
David Green
Merit Member Since December, 2016
From Bowie, MD • Age 50
From right to left: David, his wife Belinda, and their three children
How do you spend your time outside of Merit?
Most of my time is spent with my family, commuting to and from DC for work, and volunteering at Calvert Hospice. I hike and kayak when I get the chance!
What were your goals when you originally joined Merit?
Honestly turning 50 and dealing with some life challenges, I needed something very difficult to do to channel my energy and focus toward a positive health. It had to be way off my radar and “outside my comfort zone”. So my main goal was to walk through the door and jump in!
Have you accomplished any of those goals so far?
Yes. I not only walked through the door but have continued. I broke down some mental barriers, and found something that keeps me focused and helps manage stress. I also increased my strength, mobility, and skills. Not to mention I have a group of new friends at Merit. The people are awesome.
“I broke down some mental barriers, and found something that keeps me focused and helps manage stress. ”
What is your favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
Muscle ups... I cannot do one yet, but I am working toward that goal and making progress.
What is your least favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
Burpees! I had never heard of a burpee before CrossFit. This movement is good for me, but feels evil.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment so far?
I have two: During my first CrossFit Open I was struggling with the walking lunges in 17.2, but the encouragement from the coaches and others to push myself helped me finish. My other most memorable moment was getting my first Toes to Bar.
What/Who is your biggest motivator?
My wife and my kids... and my future better self!
What would you like to say to people on the fence about trying CrossFit?
It is worth it! Take a chance and give CrossFit a try. It has been a great experience for me.