Meet an Athlete of Merit: Sherwin's Story
Sherwin Hall
Merit Member Since July, 2016
“My wife Nicole and my son Julian are my biggest motivators. ”
Where are you from?
I am originally from New Jersey.
What is your age? 37
How do you spend your time outside of Merit?
I love to spend time with my wife Nicole and my son Julian. We enjoy going to outdoor events and small get away's. At work I am an IT project manager.
Sherwin with his wife and son.
What were your goals when you originally joined Merit?
My original goals were to get in shape and become more flexible and mobile overall.
Have you accomplished any of those goals so far?
“Just give CrossFit a try and it will change your life!”
I have gained a great deal of flexibility and mobility, especially with my squats.
What is your favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
I am one of the rare Crossfitter's that enjoys thruster's. I also really enjoy toes to bar.
What is your least favorite CrossFit movement/WOD?
I do not like muscle ups or running.
What is your most memorable CrossFit moment so far?
Sherwin during a thruster (his favorite CrossFit movement).
It's a tie between two that come to mind. The first is my first annual CrossFit Merit Christmas party with the members and my family. The second is my first CrossFit Open. To be honest, the whole event itself was a memorable one! Just being able to complete the WOD was memorable for me.
What/Who is your biggest motivator?
My wife Nicole and my son Julian are my biggest motivators.
What would you like to say to people on the fence about trying CrossFit?
Just give CrossFit a try and it will change your life!