COVID-19 Re-Opening Policies:

The following procedures are for the health and safety of our entire community in the gym, as well as our family and loved ones outside the gym.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

  • If you or anyone you have been in recent contact with is sick please stay home.

  • We will check temperatures at the door. 100.4 or higher and you will not be able to stay and workout.

  • Please maintain social distancing standards of at least 6 feet.

  • Please coughs or sneeze into your elbow if you need to.

  • Everyone will be required to wear a mask upon entering the gym and keep it on until you are in your workout station and the warmup begins. If you need to leave your workout station for any reason please put your mask back on.

  • We will not allow anyone into the gym until 5 minutes before the start of each class, so please arrive ready to go.

  • Check SugarWod and only bring the equipment you will need for the workout. Please do not bring your full workout bag.

  • After the workout you will be asked to sanitize all equipment and any surface you touched. Leave it wet during mobility and dry it after mobility.

  • Coaches will be wearing masks for the entire indoor class.

  • Members in outdoor classes will be required to bring a mask to be able to put on if they need to enter the gym for any reason.

  • You must preregister in PushPress for classes. Registration is locked 1 hour prior to class. If you are not registered you will not be allowed in class.

  • You may shower if needed after class, please leave your change of clothes in your car until after class.

  • We currently won’t be allowing kids in the gym with parents during indoor classes.