MERIT [mer•it]
The quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward: 'of outstanding merit'
SYNONYMS: excellence, quality, caliber, worth, worthiness, credit, value, distinction, eminence
About Us
CrossFit Merit is Calvert County’s only 100% CrossFit facility. Our goal is to help athletes reach elite levels of fitness through constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. The CrossFit training method produces undeniable, measurable results for all levels of fitness; from children to elite athletes, and everyone in between.
We efficiently combine the most effective training methods of Weightlifting, Gymnastics, and High Intensity Cardio. There isn’t a strength and conditioning program anywhere that works with a greater diversity of tools, modalities, and drills. The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience.
CrossFit Merit is for EVERYONE. No matter what shape, size or fitness level.
What We Do
What’s going to keep your desire for change alive, and transform it into a regular way of life? That is the essence of our program. Everyone in our community comes to us with a different background, knowledge, experience and fitness level. We’ve developed a system that allows you to join in starting from where you are, learning at your pace, yet stretching slightly outside of your comfort zone. Goals are reached through practice, the support of our community & coaches, and consistency.
Setting goals way beyond your current ability is often a way to set yourself up for failure. That’s NOT what we do here. Our program encourages you to take small, appropriate adjustments to your current norm that are within your known ability to sustain. They’ll stretch and challenge you, but just enough, keeping you engaged, healthy, and growing each day.
It’s one thing to come to class and work out, quite another to look at how your training fits into your everyday life. It’s all about context. While going hard most of the time can work (especially when we’re young), throwing ourselves against a wall day after day with the mindset of “go hard or go home” can lead to chronic pain and injury.
Our Methodology
At CrossFit MERIT, we do our own programming – the methodology rests in our diverse coaching staff and follows the structure developed by Kenny Kane, of CrossFit LA. The focus of each training day falls in one of three distinct areas:
This will make up the majority of our training days. Focusing on mastering movements in the spirit of fun, intentional virtuosity, and a willingness to learn giving you practice, solid context and sustainability.
These days focus on pushing the intensity. These are the days we test the quality work you have been putting in. Intensity without the foundation is flawed. That is why Intensity days are fewer in number than quality days.
These days will be exactly as they sound. They will test your ability to grind through a hard training day.
Adapted and inspired by CrossFit LA and CrossFit New England.