A unique and defining characteristic of CrossFit is that it makes fitness “measurable and repeatable”. And, the ultimate manifestation of measurable & repeatable fitness is the CrossFit Open and – for the very best athletes – the CrossFit Games!

The Open is a CrossFit Merit tradition. A large number of our members participate every year! It is scary – for everyone, our newest members and our most experienced. Yet, more than 350,000 CrossFit enthusiasts around the world participated in the Open in Feb 2019!

Each week for 5 weeks (Oct 10 – Nov 11), an Open workout is announced on Thursday, and has to be completed by the following Monday. The Open gives all CrossFitters (Open, Teens, Scaled & Masters) a chance to test ourselves together against each other – and especially, against our past selves.


2020 Open MM_2020 Open MM.jpg

After the success & fun of the 2019 Open this past February. The 2020 Open now be held in October, we’ve decided to continue the tradition – with a twist. We’re splitting the gym in 2 teams: Millennials and Masters. We’ll compete as teams each week with scoring opportunities based upon participation, passion & performance! 

The Age Groups – Age as of July 14, 2020.

Millennials: Age 34 and under
Masters: Age 35+

We’ll also have a Masters vs Millennial match-up at each of the Thursday night Open Announcements!


Friday night is fun night! We’ll be getting together every Friday evening to do the Open workouts together. Heats will kick off between 4:00-5:00 PM and we’ll plan to be done by 8:00-9:00 PM-ish.

So, grab your class buddies, invite your family and come enjoy the fun!

20.1: Oct 11
20.2: Oct 18
20.3: Oct 25
20.4: Nov 1
20.5: Nov 8


Everyone can contribute points. All you have to do is register for the Open, and complete the workouts! And, along the way there will be other scoring opportunities. Preliminary scoring is below. Subject to change.

Workout Completion: 1 Point – for each teammate that submits a workout result to the CrossFit Games website.

Workout Completion at Friday Night Heats: 2 Point – every member of a team that completes an Open workout during our Fri Night Lights (Must check-in into your heat on PushPress).

Judge: 1 Point – For each person you judge.

Judge at Friday Night Heats: 2 Point – For each person you Judge at FNH.

Top 10 Rx Men & Women (Open & Masters combined): 10-1 Points
1st = 10 pts
2nd = 9 pts
3rd = 8 pts
4th = 7 pts
5th = 6 pts
…etc, 10th = 1 pts

Top 5 Scaled M/W: 10 – 2 Points – for every male AND female member who places among the Top 5 for each scaled version of the Open workout.
1st = 10 pts
2nd = 8 pts
3rd = 6 pts
4th = 4 pts
5th = 2 pts

New PR: 2 Points – Every athlete who achieves a personal record on a movement (a lift, a pull up, toes-to-bar, muscle-up, etc..)

Spirit of the Open: 5 Points – Each week we will pick one member who displays amazing spirit, camaraderie or exemplary effort during that week’s workouts. You’ll find this person cheering others on, volunteering to judge others, helping people get prepared, doing something extraordinary they never thought possible, gaining a new skill, etc.

The only thing you need to do to participate in the Masters vs Millennials Intramural Open is to register for the CrossFit Games Open!  

Don’t worry if you are new or unsure about your ability level. THERE IS A SCALED DIVISION! Please be sure to select CrossFit Merit as your affiliate. 

Have Fun! The focus is on FUN. We want participation because it will make you fitter, and it will get you fist bumps on SugarWOD!.